Promotional meetings are part of the PCNAK calendar. It allows the executives to travel to different cities that are major pockets of Keralite believers, meet with key members and Pastors, encourage them to come for the conference etc. It culminates with a promotional meeting somewhere.
In recent years, attendance to such meetings have been extremely poor. A successful meeting usually has only 15 to 20 people. Some cities have only 5 to 10 people on a given day.
So the real value of the weekend is not really the promotional meeting. It is the opportunity to meet with people and pastors and visiting churches.
Just like in any other year, this year we have seen the same trend. In each of the cities we are doing the promotional meeting, the same thing is happening. We have had the opportunity to meet with many families and many Pastors. We have visited and ministered in many churches.
Last week we were in Philadelphia where we accomplished the same. I personally visited four churches and had the opportunity to personally invite believers to the conference. I missed out on a fifth church where I had made appointment.
We had contacted many of the other churches that we could not visit and they also have extended their right hand of fellowship for the conference.
This pattern will continue until the conference.